MONO JAPAN Amsterdam 2018

Japanese women talking at MONO JAPAN Amsterdam.
MONO JAPAN Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018, Second Month, Seventeenth Day. © Copyright 2018 Alex Hamstra Photography

After only documenting a few festivals and events on Terschelling last year, this year I’ll also document several events in the rest of The Netherlands. The first cultural event I’ve visited this year was MONO JAPAN Amsterdam which took place in the Lloyd Hotel from 15 t/m 18 February.

MONO JAPAN Amsterdam 2018

MONO JAPAN Amsterdam is a fair and cultural event which focuses on Japanese products. Once a year MONO JAPAN presents a carefully curated selection of Japanese quality products such as clothes, tea, art, ceramics, bamboo baskets and much more. Besides admiring and possibly buying the products, during the weekend you can also enjoy exhibitions, workshops and lectures. The event also initiates and facilitates collaborations between Japanese and European artists and designers.

The exhibitors all put their wares on show in the rooms of the Lloyd Hotel which gives the whole an intimate ambiance. Strolling from the top floor
to the basement you’ll see beautifully and artistically, and mostly handmade, fabricated products, grounded in tradition, enriched with contemporary thinking.

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Information MONO JAPAN Amsterdam

Information Exhibitors MONO JAPAN Amsterdam


Copyright © 2018 Alex Hamstra Photography